As far as ups and downs go, the last couple of weeks have definitely fallen in the "down" category. For this we have a few culprits to blame.
Culprit #1 has been a nasty little virus (or group of them) which have wreaked havoc on the Howell household for a couple of weeks. Karen has continued to have a nighttime cough which has kept her from sleeping well. This has now lasted nearly a month -- and frustratingly our local NHS clinic has so far refused to refer Karen to a specialist. Sadie had a high fever and upset stomach. In worst shape (as usual!) was poor Parker, who picked up a worse version of Sadie's stomach virus, which gave him diarrhea and daily vomiting for a full week, sending us back to the doctor. I've been in slightly better shape (having recovered not long ago from my own laryngitis) -- but also gradually got worn down with the nighttime sleep disturbances (e.g. listening out for Parker). It does not end there: our nanny Andrea was also sick for a few days, as were several of the teachers at Sadie's nursery, so we were without childcare help in the midst of it all. System failure! Culprit #2 was my year-end publishing crunch, which had me busy/stressed up until my year-ahead tome was published on Monday. Culprit #3 was -- as mentioned before -- the lack of family/close friends around to help us get through it all. Culprit #4: cold and grey weather. Culprit #5: did I mention the lack of sleep? In all, a serious rough patch.
We are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. As I write (10:04pm) Parker is asleep and has not puked today (first time in 7 days!); b) Karen is feeling a little better thanks in part to some good acupuncture treatments; and c) in three days we fly back to DC, where help is waiting in the form of parents, grandparents, siblings cousins, etc. Just what the doctor ordered. Nevertheless it has been a difficult time... fortunately, despite their ailments the little ones have kept a good attitude throughout and have helped Karen & I do our best to do the same.
We're waiting for you!